DC Brau Keg Testimonial
Following on from the Craft Beer Conference in Washington earlier this year, we are still receiving positive feedback from brewers across the pond.
DC Brau, one of Washington's largest brewers, have been using the GPS plastic keg since mid-March, treating it like a normal stainless steel keg.
"DC Brau has been actively using the GP keg in our brewery since mid-March of 2013. We've been cleaning it and treating it like a normal stainless steel keg and have had absolutely no issue with the performance thus far."
"I would recommend Global Polymer Solutions kegs as a good alternative to traditional kegs" said Jeff Hancock, co-founder and head brewer at DC Brau.
Read more comments about GPS plastic casks and kegs on our testimonials page. Do you use our casks or kegs? We welcome any feedback and promise to act on all comments received.