GPS Consultancy

New Product Design
As can be seen from a quick review of the site; we can produce innovative and patented designs for blow moulded products in new areas that can revolutionise your product range. If required, we can also project manage the introduction of new products.
Process Control
GPS can help you control the blow moulding process, reduce variability and increase efficiencies. This work is most effective when done in conjunction with a training programme undertaken with your key personnel. Process control measures include unique and user friendly software that has been developed to help control on the shop floor. We can also help by supplying machine setting experts to work on the shop floor alongside your own operatives.
We have practical and theoretical knowledge of different materials which has been built up over 30 years of experience and this has led to excellent technical relationships with a number of the large polymer producers. With this experience, we have seen many different problems associated with the polymer which affect the process and, with this knowledge, we can help to improve many manufacturing related issues.
Transport of Dangerous Goods
The personnel within GPS have a considerable experience of transporting dangerous goods in plastics and can help advise businesses wanting to ship dangerous goods around the world.
Management & Management Structures
With a number of years experience of senior management, we are in the process of helping companies optimise their structures to focus on their business requirements. As part of Management, this is combined this with an unfussy, common sense approach to Quality and Health & Safety, utilising various techniques, eg FMEA’s, SPC and continuous improvement strategies, but always aiming to meet your customers’ requirements.
Direct enquiries to :
Phillip Wallis - Technical Director
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Mobile : 07710 700763