CBC 2013 Show Review
GPS attended the Craft Brewers Conference in Washington during March. This was our third successive year attending the show and I have to say, it was our best and most successful to date.
GPS used the show to launch the 50 litre keg and we were blown away with the enthusiasm surrounding the event. With over 2800 Craft Brewers currently trading and a further 1200 applications pending for new Breweries to be opened throughout the USA during 2013/2014 this is certainly a growing market, and one we are glad to be a part of.
Thanks, as always, goes to our friends at Allied Beverage Tanks for their hospitality whilst we were at the show. Anyone looking for tanks to turn-key Brew houses won't go wrong speaking with these guys.
Many of you will be aware of the unfortunate accident last year at Rehook Brewery in the USA, where a keg exploded killing one of their employees. As a result of this accident, GPS have implemented further safety features to the spear and bottle, making our Green Keg as safe as any product on the market.